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Big Announcement!

Click on the video to see!

Click on the picture below

to go to the reels!


  1. Ingrid

    Thank you, this will be a really useful function!

    • Noemi

      I hope it is Ingrid! Thank you for being here 😀😀🤗❤

  2. Sue M

    This will be a wonderful resource Noemi, thank you so much for all of the joy, fun inspiration and ideas you bring to our lives. I love that there will be a search function. Thank you for all of your hard work. 🙂

    • Noemi

      Hi Sue! Thank you for all of your support ❤ it makes my day!

  3. SonyaRose

    I don’t get a whole bunch of time in my evenings but I really look forward to your videos and gather ideas, thank you for sharing your life and work, I’m grateful to be able to identify with your content with much of the home management that goes with busy family life. You are amazing, God bless you.

    • Noemi

      Thank you so much for taking the time to watch my videos! I am grateful for all of your support ❤ hugs to you! ❤

      • Jean

        Thank you for all of the encouraging videos. I love your ideas. You have motivated me over and over! 💖💖💖

        • Noemi

          I am so happy to hear that Jean! ❤❤ Thank you so much for being here!

  4. Biggi

    Wonderful! Thank you very much for this! ♥️

  5. Heidi

    What a wonderful resource this will be! Thank you, thank you!

  6. Jodi

    Great news. I’ll check it out thanks.

    • Noemi


  7. Missy

    Thank you for spending time on your website. These reels will be a nice addition. I think what I like the most on your website are your recipes (cleaning and food). It is nice to be able to quickly look up something that I saw you make in one of your vlogs. The “Power of Suggestion” is real – I see you do it and I’m ready to go make it, too.

    • Noemi

      I’m so glad to hear that you enjoy the food and cleaning recipes Missy! Thank you so much for checking them out ❤

  8. Teresa Littrell

    Great idea can’t wait!!!

    • Noemi


  9. Yvonne Goldberg

    Hi Noemi!
    I enjoy watching your informative and fun YouTube channel! You are motivational and inspiring with what you show that you do. Thank you!
    Creating this”library” is a wonderful idea!
    Blessings to you and your family!

    • Noemi

      I really appreciate you taking the time to watch my videos Yvonne! It means so much to me. I hope the short videos are helpful too 😀🤗❤

  10. Janet Pegher

    Oh my gosh! I am so looking forward to this new development. It will be perfect to get new ideas and recipes. Would love more info on your use of essential oils, how-to info on making soaps, etc. I really love your videos and now your updated website.

    • Noemi

      I hope it is helpful for you Janet! Thank you for those ideas, I will try to add some short videos on that ❤❤ Thank you so much for checking out my website!


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