Scandish Home’s New Mobile App!
Merry Christmas! We wanted to give all of our supporters a gift this Christmas so we created a mobile app. Right now it’s just a Christmas Countdown, and then it will be a New Years Countdown. In January I will use it to send you guys exclusive videos, tips, and content personally from me. I hope you like it!
We also have a widget! To add the widget on your phone, simply go to your home screen settings on your device and find the “Scandish Home” widget!
hi noemi!
i dont watch tv very much but i do love your youtube videos that i stumbled upon by happy accident a few weeks ago! i marvel at how much you do each and every day! i live with a lot of scandinavian influences in my life and home and as i get older i simplify more and more, so your videos definitely appeal to me. =) i, like you, love twinkle lights and they are around my home all year round. arent they cozy relaxing and happy?!
i was wondering where you got your wooden houses? i LOVE houses about as much as twinkle lights. =)
thank you for your time and for all of your inspiration!
sending my own scandi vibes your way!
from winnipeg manitoba canada
Hi Teres! Thank you so much for watching my videos, it makes my day to know you enjoy them! And I love twinkle lights too

I have lots of little houses – here is the link for ones that I love: Are these the ones you’re referring to? If not let me know more specifics of what ones you want the link to!
I really adore you Noémie! Very nice work, I encourage you with everything you do. Especially your craftsmanship.
Happy New Year everyone !
Greetings from Quebec.
Hi Noemi, just started following you on You Tube. Your videos are interesting, helpful and funny in a way that creates a warm smile
I now have your Xmas ‘count down’ on my phone, thank you.
Anna in London, England
Hi Noemi, I don’t own a credit card. Is there any other way to download the free app? Thanks so much
Thank you Noémi! I love your videos! Merry Xmas!