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Hey guys! I’m excited to share this news with you!



Let me know down below in the comments what kind of topics you want to see!


  1. Pam

    Hi Neomi. I have watched you for a long while and love your inspiring videos. I wonder if you would share your Gluten Free bread recipe. You mentioned once that you shared it, but I’ve never found it. Thanks in advance. Happy Valentine’s day to you and your family!
    Pam in southern Oregon.

    • Noemi

      Thank you so much for watching my videos, Pam! I really appreciate your time ? HERE is the gluten free bread recipe I use!
      I used ghee in there and I only put 1/4 cup of honey. I also used almond milk. Happy Valentine’s Day to you and your family too! ❤❤

  2. Marie

    I love your you tube videos and watch them all over and over again. I don’t know where to sign up for your newsletter but would love to add myself to your mailing list.

    Thank you,

    P.s. I tell my husband of 53 years that you are his fantasy wife….haha

    • Noemi

      Hi Marie! Thank you so much for watching my videos ❤ To sign up for my newsletter, just click HERE Let me know if for any reason that does not work for you ?❤

  3. Erin

    So excited for more content! I loved your vlogs so really happy you’re putting that content on the website now!

    • Noemi

      Woohoo! I hope you love the new and coming content Erin ?? Thank you so much for watching my videos ?

  4. Line

    Hi ? Neomi….
    Saturday morning is my favorite time… your videos are on…
    I love seeing you outdoors, what a lovely place . You must be so proud of what you have accomplished so far.
    Thank you for sharing your story ❤

    • Noemi

      Thank you so much for watching every Saturday morning! It really means so much to me ? I am so thankful for my subscribers and really like getting to put out content for you guys ☺

  5. Jennie

    Hello Noemi ???
    I am so happy to make your good works, an inspiration to my family’s everyday life! I look forward to all the wit and wisdom you offer us~bloopers included? And I couldn’t go a week without hearing your guiding words about how simple you make our lives ❤️ I would really LOVE, LOVE to have the opportunity to buy some of your Scanfair items on your website!! (since most of us watch you set up for it, only to wish we could make it to Oregon someday to buy them made especially by you!)
    Your garlands are my fave!!

    Much love and warmest of wishes in all you do! Thank you for spoiling us!??❤️ xx

    • Noemi

      Hi Jennie! You are so kind ? I’m really happy you find my videos inspiring and funny too ? You can find some of my artwork HERE Sending you warm wishes too ?☺

  6. Michelle

    Exciting! I really enjoy your videos. I notice you have moments of being crafty and I love that. If you have any crafting ideas you could share, it would be fun. Otherwise I just love watching you and your beautiful family and thank you for your channel. Love from New Zealand.

    • Noemi

      Oooh I would love to share some crafting ideas! I will try to make a video about this. Thank you so much for watching my channel, Michelle! Love from the Pacific northwest ?☺

  7. Veronica

    Hi Noemi, I opened your newsletter yesterday and was going to leave a comment , but got distracted; I came back today to so many comments from Scandish Home fans! It’s so nice to be able to “meet” other SH followers – it feels like being part of a really nice group of friends 🙂 Since you asked us to let you know about topics that we would like to see, I would like to see GF cooking and baking, including recipes. I have been gluten and dairy free since 2010, due to a GI health issue. You make it look easy! I am not a good cook, so it’s a challenge. If you can do a sourdough bread recipe, that would be wonderful, because I avoid yeast products, but my nutritionist has said that sourdough is ok. Best regards, xo PS – maybe gardening content too 🙂

    • Noemi

      I am blown away by all the comments and fans! I have the best subscribers ❤ More gluten free recipes and baking are coming! I have gotten lots of requests for that (and gardening) ? The more you practice with gluten free cooking, the better you will become, you got this!! Thank you so much for watching my videos and reading my website ??

  8. Jan

    I found your website recently and have been binge watching. You have really given me the incentive to organize and purge my home. You are so cheerful and real andI enjoy everything you post. Thank you for being such an inspiration to all of us

    • Noemi

      Yay! I really appreciate you watching my videos ❤☺☺ I’m glad the videos are motivational for you! It makes my day to have you here Jan ?

  9. Sarah

    I love your day in the life vlogs and your seasonal decorating. I would love to see more content about your garden…how you grow things, how you use them and preserve them. I would also love to see more content on how to start making transitions in the home to healthier eating and more natural products. Finally, I would like a guide on choosing natural health and body products. There are so many out there it is overwhelming to even know where to begin.

    • Noemi

      Hi Sarah! Ooooh I love all these ideas, my brain is so busy thinking about all the videos I’m going to make ?? I will try to make some videos on these topics. Thank you so much for being here, Sarah!! ?

  10. Tracey

    Hi Noemi! Thanks so much for all the inspiration and information; and I’m so thrilled that you’ll be sharing even more!
    I’ve started making some of your recipes and I also followed your way of keeping potatoes fresher longer. It’s been three weeks for them and they look great! Wow!
    I can’t tell you how often I say to my husband, “Well, Noemi says–” (fill in the blank). ☺️Whenever I talk about home related tips and info, he always knows that it came from Scandish Home–my absolute favorite youtube channel! Thanks so much! ?

    • Noemi

      Hi Tracey! That is amazing on the potatoes, so glad you have found my videos helpful! Thank you for watching ?? Ha ha I love that you share what you learn from my channel with your husband ? tell him “hi” from Scandish Home! ??


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