10 Minute Cleaning Routine
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Hey guys!
In this post, I am going to share how I clean my house with just a 10 minutes cleaning routine for each room. I am using all natural cleaners that are easy on your budget and are very safe for your health!
I will share tips on how I simplified my cleaning routine and ways to make homemaking a little more fun.
Repeating the same tasks every day can be boring and daunting, but this is about maintaining. Maintaining is about caring – caring about our family, our loved ones, our home.
We have seasons in our life when things are so busy, but you can get done a lot in 10 minutes!
Messiness is not the same thing as clutter. Messiness is part of life and creativity but clutter is something that can make you feel tired. Having a clutter-free home can help your health and improve your life, and will make the cleaning easier too!
Bedroom – 10 minutes cleaning routine
In the bedroom, simplify cleaning:
- Have only as much decor as you can handle
- Own a rug if you don’t mind vacuuming it
- Use decorative pillows and quilt if you don’t mind moving them around every night and morning
- Dry mop for a speedy floor clean up
Have a place for everything, your cleaning time will be greatly reduced!

Dining Room – 10 minutes cleaning routine

This is the easiest room to simplify. Wy? Because I can dress up the table with the food and a tablecloth. It doesn’t need a lot of decor! I have a blank space – just table and a mantle that I can decorate for each season. Or, I can bring attention to the food when I set the table.
For cleaning, all this area needs is to clean the table and a quick mop or vacuum for the floor.
Entry Way – 5 minutes cleaning routine
The entry way is a high traffic area. In our entry way we have hooks for the coats and backpacks, a shelf for the shoes, and simple and flat decor that works for the small space.
To clean it in 5 minutes, I wipe down the door around the handle and lock where it gets touched the most, vacuum, and wipe down any surfaces.
Laundry – 10 minutes folding per day
In this room, just be sure to clean the lint traps! One little tip I have is that hangers can save time but not space!

I really don’t mind folding, actually I like it – to a certain degree, as long as there’s not to much to do! If I were left with a huge pile, I would feel discouraged. Since it’s a smaller pile, it’s very easy to do it.
Kitchen – 10 minutes cleaning routine
This is the room that is the hardest, at least for me, to keep up with. I like to cook and bake a lot. So there are some staples that I like to get done if I don’t have a lot of time.
Cleaning out the sink from the dishes and cleaning the cook top helps me to stay on top of the mess. Sometimes, I have to do this more than once a day, but this kind of 10 minutes of reset helps it not turn into it looking like there was a tornado in the kitchen!
If I don’t have enough time or the day is really crazy, I at least like to take the dishes from the kitchen island and put them in the sink. If I can get the island clean from dishes and clutter, it helps a lot.
If I am cooking, I like to clean a dish every time I wash my hands. This helps to stay on top of the dishes.

To keep up with the floor, I like my cordless vacuum cleaner and the steam mop. This is a game changer for a person like me! I used to procrastinate mopping the floor because bringing out the bucket and filling it up with water, emptying it out in the garden, seemed like so much work. Now, I just plug in the steam mop and it’s ready to use with much less physical input.
Living Room – 10 minutes cleaning routine
Since this is the area where all the family likes to gather, we like to keep it simple so that it is easier to tidy up.
Here is an easy system to maintain clutter:
- Items can be put away with one move
- Everything has a place
- Reduced to the items you every day
- Just enough decoration to enoy, but not too much so the cleaning remains simple
In this room, I wipe down the coffee table. I also freshen up the room by rubbing lavendar buds in to the couch and vacuuming them up. This is way better than baking soda because the fine dust can ruin the motor in the vacuum cleaner. Fluff the pillows and a quick vacuum and you are all done with this room!

I love taking care of the chickens and gathering the eggs. This is where I start for the outside chores. I then pick the day’s produce and store them. This is the most delicious part of the day!
In the summer, I serve more raw vegetables from our garden which saves me time as I don’t have to cook as much.
Check out the video below to see how I store lots of herbs from our garden. I use the herbs to make teas, flavor our food and give extra nutrients, and a little to decorate our home with.
Bathroom – 10 minutes cleaning routine

Cleaning always starts with tidying up so we like to keep things simple and constantly evaluate what we truly need.
The fastest way to clean the bathroom is just to spray down everything so in one move, I can get everything soaking from the water and vinegar mixture. While I clean one area, the other can soak. Soaking is extremely important if you don’t like to scrub. Waiting it out will reduce the time of cleaning as you let the water and vinegar do the work. Then, wipe everything down!
Keeping a relatively (not perfect :)) clean home can be very daunting because I have to repeat the same things over and over. Letting go of all the clutter will help reduce the cleaning time.
I keep in mind, if I’m caring about these things, I’m caring about my family and I’m caring for myself. I try to come from the perspective that I am so thankful that I have someone to care for and a home to care for.
Im 67 years old, and I was tired of cooking, cleaning, etc. I had no motivation whatsoever.
I happened to see one of your videos on YouTube and immediately got inspired.
Nowadays I am cooking, and cleaning with a happy disposition. Your videos are very inspirational. I have shared your videos with a couple of other friends of mine in their 60s and they love the tips and recommendations that you give.
I bought the book that you recommended in one of your videos: My Hygge Home, and it has been wonderful.
Thank you for your videos! You give a new and fresh perspective to home making! Thank you!
Comment *Milovaná Noemi, především Vám přeji pohodový rok 2024. Velice ráda se dívám na vaše videa. Díky vám jsem si pořídila špíz, která se mi u vás moc líbila. Naučila jsem se od vás efektivněji uklízet. Jsem z České republiky. Moc se těším na vaše další velice inspirativní videa. Mějte se moc hezky.
Hi Noemi. I’m from Italy and your channel and your socials are so inspiring for me!! Thank you very much💓 Kisses
Hi Silvia! Thank you for your kind comment and being here! ❤❤ I’m so happy to hear that you like my channel. 😃❤
I like yours style, simple and to the point.. I like the walk out side point!!! Teehee. You are very right. We need less to enjoy more.
My dresser has a lot of momentous on it going back to my childhood . I could scream sometimes when I look at it. Nothing is thrown on my dresser just setting there,but it looks cluttered. I do not know what to do .
I know this is hard to declutter things that have lots of memories! I ask myself what do I still enjoy looking at and then maybe put the rest in a box. You can rotate the pieces through so you can have a chance to look at all of them or just keep a couple out and know that the others are saved if you ever want to look back at them 😊❤