17 Organization Tips & Hacks
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It is a new year which is a perfect time to organize! I have some organization systems that are working really well, and some systems that need to be fixed and fine-tuned. I’m also sharing what I find at IKEA! I hope you find these tips helpful!

1. Be Intentional When You Shop
There are so many temptations when I shop – everything looks so cute and beautiful, and sometimes it is hard to make choices. So, I apply a few rules which helps me see a clearer picture of what I need versus what I want. Here are some questions I ask myself: Is it natural material? (This is 80% of the battle!) Is it hard or easy to clean? Where am I going to put it?

2. Zone Organizing
I create zones in my kitchen based on what work gets done in each area. I like to have everything close by as I work. For example, I have a food prep zone in the kitchen and I have a place I store things I don’t use as often (like my bread maker and Zwilling blender) that is more out of the way.

3. Gather Alike Items
Throughout my house, I group similar items together to help locate things faster. I also like to keep things visually simple for less used items, such as storing boxes of food in these bamboo cabinets. For everyday use items, I like to use clear jars so I can see what I have and it inspires me in my cooking.

4. Glass Jars
I really like storing our food and seasonings in these glass jars. I can see the actual food and the amount that is left in each container. They are also non toxic to store food in. I also love to use my label maker so I know exactly what is in each jar and these lids for a cohesive look.

5. Stackable Storage
Stackable storage is a space saver. It also gives a cohesive look and easy access, like these wooden boxes I got for our pantry. I have things I want to access quickly such as my chicken and beef bone broth packs. I used to have to open the lid to the container these were in and check the label to see if it was a chicken or beef brone broth, but with these stackable cubes, I see it right away and can grab it easily. Since I cook and bake every day, it is important to me that I have a nice and organized pantry that can help me as I’m creating food.

6. Creative Storage
I like to use things that function, even if it’s made for something else. For example, I got this cute basket from IKEA that is actually a little lantern. But I thought it would be perfect for my wooden spoons. It also looks cute with this herb in my pantry. The pantry is really not the place for decoration, but this is a fun way to store my thyme. It is cute and there when I need it.

7. Heavy and Bulk Items
I keep the heavy and bulk items on the floor in bins in my pantry. It is easy to locate the items I need and I don’t need to lift them. I keep the food I like to refill my jars with in these bullk item bins.

8. Store a Smart Way
I like using these trays for my lunch. They are visually appealling and make it easy to carry my meal to the kitchen table. These trays are also a great cover for my bulk bins and save space in the cabinet. They also reduce the visual clutter in the pantry.

9. Decoration and Function
String lights can be used to create an ambiance. I love these twinkle lights. They provide a little light and I used these cute ones in my pantry to be a nice touch for the nighttime so we can see what’s in the pantry.

10. Work With the Space You Have
We have a practical spot to store things as it is close to the kitchen but it is also a high traffic spot. I loved using these shallow shelves for a tea corner to display the teas I have for my friends when they come over. The shallow shelves hold a lot and are easy to find things. Using these shallow shelves allowed this space to still be functional while also not getting in the way as we come in and out.

11. Fix What Doesn’t Work
This may take some trial and error. Organizing is a process! For example, I had a hook for my kitchen towel that just wasn’t working. I just found a new hook shelf at IKEA that works much better for my towel. It is a way more comfortable solution and holds my towel without any issues.

12. Re-Evaluate Space
Comfort and function is important. Do the pieces of furniture in your home function as they are supposed to? Do you like the look and feel of it? These are some questions that help me to evaluate the items in our home

13. Use and Store
I love having items in my home that can be used for multiple things. The trays on top of the storage bins that I mentioned above have two purposes. I use them for trays to set up a lunch or arrange food on, and they are also a nice way to top off the food storage bins. I also have a little side table that we can put our drink or book on, but it also has a storage area underneath. I also like to use it to cut the boys’ hair as it is a perfect height for them to sit on.

14. Divider to Stop Spills
The sliding bottles in the fridge can spill and create a mess. I found this very inexpensive way to fix this problem with these little dividers. You could also use rubber bands if you don’t want to spend any money. The rubber band also works well but the dividers work better!

15. Clever Ways to Reuse
These little dividers don’t have to end with the fridge! Other areas could benefit from it too. I can organize narrow boxes with my cleaners so they don’t slide and they stay put together.

16. Find Extra Space
We have our cookie sheets in a cabinet, but these water bottles were always blocking the way. We used to have to take the water bottles out to get to the cookie sheets. However, I put a narrow box on the inside of our cabinet door. Now, instead of the water bottles blocking the way to the cookie sheets, the water bottles stay in this box. This way, the water bottles are still in the cabinet, but I don’t have to remove them when I need to get to the cookie sheets.

17. Keep Cords Neat
I have shared this little cord organizer before, but it is worth sharing again. This little silicone hook to helps to organize drawers and it makes taking appliances in and out of the drawers and cabinets much easier.

You can also check out my 10 Minute Cleaning Routine here!